
Appointments with your GP:

If you are unwell and need medical attention or if you have been told by your GP that you need to see them again, you should make an appointment by telephone 041 6853929.  

Housecalls By Doctors: 

Housecalls are reserved for unwell elderly or very unwell patients who are housebound and unable to visit our surgery.  Please call the surgery before 11 am and leave details with our admin team.  A GP will call you back to discuss your request and if necessary will arrange to make a house call. In normal circumstances, housecalls are usually carried out at lunchtime

Is a doctor’s appointment necessary?

We would ask that you please do not make an appointment with your GP for the following reasons; To renew a prescription. You can download a repeat prescription form HERE.  To get a form signed/filled out.  To tell them about  a recent hospital or consultant visit. Our admin team can help with all of these issues. If you are unsure whether to make an appointment or not, please ask one of the admin team. It can help save you and your GP some valuable time.

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